9553153 Ozturk It has become clear that the future of the electronics industry will be based upon a new level of semiconductor manufacturing commonly referred to as nanoelectronics, which implies at least a factor of ten scaling in dimensions is essential to increase the number of devices per chip, and to provide faster, more power efficient chips. In addition, it is widely accepted that future semiconductor manufacturing will be based upon single wafer processing, as opposed to present day batch manufacturing. This transition is driven by demands for cost-effectiveness, as well as meeting needs for real-time wafer diagnostic incorporation essential in the manufacture of nanoscale devices and circuits. The research and education activities to be undertaken as a result of this award are focused upon state-of-the-art and advanced device processes and tools enabling the manufacture of nanoscale integrated circuits using single wafer processing models. New processes and devices will be investigated for use in future factories, including atomic level engineering and selective processing. New approaches to engineering education will include interaction with industry.