ECS-9712863 Chowdhury This proposal requests travel support for a number of electrical engineering students (with a major in power engineering) across the United States to attend the 29th annual North American Power Symposium (NAPS) to be held on October 12-13, 1997 at the University of Wyoming campus (UW), Laramie, Wyoming. Travel expenses could be a deterrent for graduate students planning to attend this conference. NAPS is an annual conference, sponsored by the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a university on the North American Continent. At this conference, university professors and students are encouraged to present the results of their research among colleagues at an early stage in their work. NAPS participants are from the electrical engineering departments of major universities in the country with research interests in different areas of power engineering, some from universities abroad, and some from industry. NAPS authors are required to attend the conference and present their papers. This proposal discusses the justification for travel support, requested from the National Science Foundation, for student authors attending the symposium. It also discusses coverage and criteria for selection of student authors, activities planned for the symposium, and the impact of the proposed travel grant.