9722851 Levi A workshop on the topic of functional meso-optics is proposed. The workshop will be held Jan. 25-28, 1997 at Crested Butte, CO. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together members of the scientific and engineering community to discuss and help define this new subject area. This will involve developing an understanding and synergy between members of the system, device, and physics community. Future functional meso-optic devices and circuits will likely exploit very small high-Q optical resonators and optically non-linear materials. The high-Q resonators are needed to enhance local electric-fields, allowing construction of very small, very low-loss optical devices. Functional devices require active regions which cause switching of optical power from one state to another. This will likely involve the use of an optical non-linear medium to either spatially or spectrally switch a local state. The interplay between non-linear effects and high-Q resonators is a potentially fertile area for both physics and device research. There are also significant opportunities for developing advanced systems concepts using new functional meso-optical components which will emerge from this overall effort. Funds from both NSF and AFOSR will be used to support the workshop. The NSF support will stress students and education.