ECS-9810122 Levan The First International Conference on Semigroups of Operators, Theory and Applications, a four-day conference from December 14 through 18, 1998, will be held in the Marriott Hotel, Newport Beach, California. The Conference will be the First of its kind in the US and, perhaps, elsewhere as well. The Conference will concentrate on the abstract theory of Semigroups of Operators as well as Applications which include relevant areas of Science and Engineering, for example: Control Engineering (Structures, Aeroelasticity), Mathematical Physics; in addition to areas within Mathematics such as PDE and Stochastic Processes. The key topics include: (i) New Results in Semigroups Theory and Application of Semigroups Theory to PDE and Stochastic Progress. (ii) Strong Stability and Stabilizability. (iii) Applications to Problems in Control Engineering, including Structure and Aeroelasticity. (iv) Applications to Problems in Mathematical Physics. The Conference Program will consist of plenary lectures, invited papers as well as contributed papers. The Conference will be announced in the AMS Bulletin and on the Web, as well as by mailing of Call-For Papers. A Conference Proceeding will be published.