The goal of this project is to develop an integrated research and education program in electric power distrubution systems. Power distrubution systems are large-scale, low-voltage electric networks. They are composed of individual loads, power sources and the pyhsical components that connect them together. A unified approach toward electric power distribution systems research and education encompassing the interdependent areas of theory, practical applications and the performance of those applications is purposed. The desire to automate functions in electric power distribution systems have never been greater. Restructuring of the electric utilities has resulted in a renewed outlook toward customer satisfaction and public perception. In order to maintain and improve reliability, as well as to obtain the ability to provide information to the public, electric distribution companies are looking to automate select functions in their distribution networks. Successful wide-scale implementation of distribution automation begins with a comprehensive understanding of the distribution system itself. This project sttempts to develop an integrated theoretical and software framework for progress in this area.