This award funds a five-year Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site at Boston University for 15 undergraduate students per year for research opportunities within the context of ongoing research programs in the Biomedical Engineering Department. Student participants will work on individual projects as members of research teams in the laboratories of participating research investigators. During the program, group sessions will be used to provide a forum for presentations and group discussions of topics intended to supplement the research experiences and encourage the interns to pursue graduate training in biomedical engineering. Session topics will include presentations on how to pursue independent research; the available options for graduate study in biomedical engineering; the myths and realities of research careers; and how to make oral and written presentations. The goal of the program is to provide stimulating and intellectually challenging hands-on opportunities in biomedical engineering research to undergraduates in a supportive environment. Students will be recruited from colleges and universities from around the country. Applications will be especially encouraged from students from population groups underrepresented in research fields in engineering.