The Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) in Engineering program at Florida A&M University (FAMU)-Florida State University (FSU) entitled "NUE: NanoCORE II (Nanotechnology Concepts, Opportunities, Research and Education)at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering", under the direction of Dr. Ongi Englander, is designed to introduce aspects of nanoscale science and engineering into the core undergraduate curriculum. The NanoCORE II program will infuse and integrate nanoscale science and engineering (NSE) as a permanent component of the undergrduate curriculum, present multiple opportunities for undergraduate learning of concepts in NSE and create opportunities for undergraduates to pursue nanotechology related research activities. The NanoCORE II program builds upon the existing NUE NanoCORE program which has made a noteworthy impact on FAMU-FSU undergraduate educational content and experience since its inception in early 2009.
The broader impact of the NanoCORE II program includes the engagement and training of undergraduate students, and particularly those from traditionally under-represented groups in areas of great technological importance. Course materials developed through this project will be made widely available through web resources and presented to the local community through outreach activities. In particular, introductory nanotechnology material designed to target a wide audience will be disseminated at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) annual open house, at a Saturday children's program at a local museum, and through lectures and demonstrations presented to Tallahassee Community College, WIMSE (Women in Math, Science and Engineering) and FGAMP (Florida-Georgia Alliance for Minority Participation) college students.
was designed to develop interest and instill positive attitudes towards nanotechnology among college students by increasing literacy and awareness in the area of nanoscale science and engineering. NanoCORE II objectives focused on providing students with technical knowledge, fostering positive attitudes towards emerging technologies, and introducing students to research and future opportunities in the field. The NanoCORE II project served 1014 students (duplicated count). Nanomodules and nanolabs covered all levels (from freshman to senior level), and were included in courses in five different majors. Students and faculty were enthusiastic about their experiences with the NanoCORE II project. Students were excited to learn of a new technology and enjoyed specific topics introduced in the NanoCORE II modules, such as transistors, semiconductors, and doping crystals. Their experience with the nanomodules also helped them understand concepts in other engineering courses. Faculty saw the project as presenting dynamic professional experiences and opportunities to undergraduates. Students gained knowledge about nanoscience and nanotechnology through modules included in regular courses, nanolabs, and special research projects. Student gains in knowledge are documented through multiple-choice responses to survey items and open-ended responses. Students also demonstrated attitude changes as a result of the NanoCORE II project. The influence of the program on attitudes varied between courses and modules, but clearly added to student overall understanding not only of the field of nanotechnology, but of the political and social context of nanoscience as well. This effect was especially noticeable among research fellows who reported on their experiences with their faculty mentors and professionalization experiences. Some research fellows added nanotechnology to their career interests and possibilities. There were also pronounced differences between males and females in their attitudes towards nanotechnology as a possible career path.