This project is funded by the National Science Foundation, Division of Engineering Education and Centers, under EEC-1263250.
The objectives of the REU Site: Rutgers University Green Energy Technology for Undergraduates Program (GET-UP) are to provide an enriching research experience, engineering training and professional development to three cohorts of ten sophomore or junior students for ten weeks in the summer. During this period of time, the students will have opportunities for cross disciplinary exploration through seminars in Engineering Ethics and Energy and Environmental Policy, and tours to facilities that generate power or produce "green" devices. Students will also participate in Industrial Spotlights where engineers and scientists from local companies present on ongoing product and system research/development, which will foster STEM research and industrial entrepreneurship. In addition, students will have numerous opportunities for student-faculty interaction and student-student communication; and support will be provided to students during the academic year through continual education, e-mentoring and funding for publication of papers and travel to conferences focused on energy related topics. Students will be encouraged to maintain contact with their faculty mentors throughout the year to complete writing and editing of technical papers.
The intellectual focus of GET-UP centers around three thrusts: nanotechnology and materials, renewable and sustainable fuels, and devices and energy management systems for energy generation, conversion and storage. These are areas where Rutgers has a critical mass of faculty interest, existing academic and physical infrastructure, and funding; as evidenced by our IGERTs, K-12 programming, RET program, and research centers. This program leverages Rutgers' existing infrastructure: Rutgers University Research Experience for Teachers in Engineering (RU RET-E) in Green Technology program, two Integrated Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERTs) programs; IGERT: Nanotechnology for Clean Energy and IGERT: Renewable and Sustainable Fuel Solutions for the 21st Century; and Research in Science and Engineering (RiSE) program.
The broader impacts of the proposed work are the infusion of Green and Energy-Based Engineering and Environmental Policy and Economics into four year and community colleges, via participation of their students. All undergraduate students will be targeted, in particular, those who may not have an opportunity to engage in undergraduate research, such as (but not limited to) underrepresented minorities and women, students from two-year colleges, and first-generation college and economically disadvantaged students.