The program for undergraduate laboratory research experience at Cornell University is based on the fact that Cornell's School of Civil and Environmental Engineering has a strong experimental research program using modern lab facilities in all principal subareas of civil and environmental engineering. The program is designed to generate hands- on-lab research experiments performed with faculty in the following laboratories, based on the students' interests, backgrounds, and talents: Concrete and Construction Materials, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical, Hydraulics, Remote Sensing, and Structural Engineering. The program is building on a successful REU program in civil and environmental engineering held at Cornell the past two summers. Each laboratory program has a faculty member as co-principal investigator in charge. A carefully thought-out evaluation, feedback and interaction mechanism has been designed to assure that the undergraduate lab research experience is an enticement for talented students to think seriously about advanced studies in engineering. Cornell's minority recruitment, and advising and counseling program assures that the interested minority students can be identified and recruited.