9322062 Tezduyar This Research Experiences for Undergraduates project will involve students in high-performance computing in fluid dynamics. Examples of particular tasks are: a) understanding the significance and practical value of the application problem, b) proper mathematical modeling of the problem, including the specification of the differential equations to be solved and the associated boundary conditions, c) being aware of the challenges involved in numerical solution of these equations, d) selecting the computational method best suitable for the problem, e) generating the mesh, grid, or other discretization environment for the selected computational method, f) selecting the computational hardware best suitable for the computations planned, g) setting the stage for vectorized computations on the most advanced Crays or implementing the formulations for massively parallel computations on the Connection Machines CM-200 and CM-5, h) performing the actual computations, and i) visualizing and analyzing the computed data with the advanced graphics techniques, including the video animation of the computed results. ***