Abstract EEC-9531194, University of Oklahoma/Dr. S. Raman (collaborative project with Oklahoma State University/Dr. David B. Pratt (EEC-9527493) This award provides funding to the University of Oklahoma (OU) for support of a Combined Research-Curriculum Development Program entitled, "Curriculum for Integrating Manufacturing Enterprise Decisions (CIMED)". This is a joint collaborative project with the Oklahoma State University. Support for the Oklahoma State University portion of this project is provided under award (EEC-9531194). The CRCD program emphasizes the need to incorporate exciting research advances in important technology areas into the upper level undergraduate and graduate engineering curricula and stimulates faculty researchers to place renewed, equal value on quality education and curriculum development. This three year program will develop a research/teaching environment to focus on integrated manufacturing and enterprise modeling. Undergraduate curriculum enhancement will be based on a joint University of Oklahoma/Oklahoma State University project on integrated production management and the development of graduate courses will build upon research results of an enterprise modeling research effort. OU will have lead responsibility for the development of the integrated undergraduate enhancements which will allow students to study the role of individual activities and the effect of individual decisions with respect to a global system's performance. OSU will have lead responsibility for the graduate enhancements which will be directed toward contributing to the development of a unified framework for conceptualizing, designing, modeling, and operating advanced manufacturing systems. ***