9619750 Lucke ABSTRACT As we enter the 21st century, it is essential that a more culturally diverse group of individuals be encouraged to pursue careers in science and engineering. Consequently, the primary objective of this REU site program in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Minnesota will be to provide women and minority undergraduates, and undergraduates from non-research universities, with a challenging and rewarding introduction to research in electrical engineering. Because our Department's current efforts involving undergraduate research experiences focus mainly on our own undergraduates, we intend to utilize the REU site program as a vehicle to involve students from outside the University of Minnesota, with a strong emphasis on recruiting women and underrepresented minorities. The program centers around a ten week intensive summer research experience in which students will be paired with faculty mentors. The main focus of the students' participation will be through active involvement in research with complementary educational activities, including a weekly seminar series focusing on their research projects, career seminars/field trips, and specialized workshops on assorted topics. As a capstone to their REU experience, each student will prepare a final written report and give a presentation at a concluding poster session. Social interaction between students and faculty will be enhanced through organized parties/outings, with additional student-student interaction provided by the community living environment in the dormitory housing arrangements. Continued follow-up contact with the students after the ten week summer program will provide for additional student involvement in the research community and for evaluation and refinement of the program. ***