A continuing need exists for measurements in industrial processes and products. Where sensor technology has been applied many benefits have resulted, including improved energy efficiency, better quality, lower scrap or off-specification products, and reduced emissions. Considerable activity exists in the development of new sensor technology. Unfortunately, much of this is fragmented and not always directly applicable to making reliable measurements in the harsh industrial environments found in the aerospace, steel, heat treating, metal casting, polymer, glass, ceramic, pulp and paper, automotive, utility and power industries. Most of the sensor development efforts are based on empirical and/or trial-and-error methods. A fundamental understanding of the sensing and degradation mechanisms is lacking, and this makes the optimization of the sensing behavior a formidable task.
Under the umbrella of the NSF Center for Industrial Sensors and Measurement (CISM), a research and development program for harsh environment sensors is being actively pursued at Ohio State University. Research teams include students and faculty from Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering. Efforts are now underway to embrace the field of biosensors and microfabrication. The objective of this CRCD program entitled "Novel Sensors R&D Leading to Curriculum Development," is to exploit CISM research advances in sensors for implementation of an innovative classroom and industry-oriented curriculum. A research program that integrates all aspects from basic research through product development in a highly communicative environment will be established. The CRCD program will target undergraduate and graduate students and utilize an interactive approach emphasizing the importance of problem solving, group work, communication and use of state-of-the-art technology. Technical education will be expanded to include business, management, administration and law with advice of our colleagues from the Colleges of Business, Education, and Law. The goal of this program is to ensure that students understand and can communicate the impact of their research and education to the broader community. An educational environment where students can continually assess how their research progress is achieving the stated goals will help develop skills useful for future careers.