The undergraduate laboratory capabilities will be expanded to include the area of coherent optical measurement. The equipment will be used for experiments in required undergraduate laboratory courses, serve as the laboratory basis for a course on coherent optical measurement, and be used for undergraduate research projects. This program is being undertaken because of the increasing use of lasers and coherent optics in engineering applications and the need for mechanical engineers who understand these techniques. The mechanics laboratory and the thermal sciences laboratory are involved. Mechanics laboratory experiments to be developed are interferometric measurements of simple beam deflection and the measurement and visualization of the vibrational modes of a clamped plate. In the thermal sciences laboratory, the equipment will be used for visualization and temperature measurement of heat convecting flows. The comprehensive undergraduate course in coherent optical methods will include laser doppler velocimetry, holographic interferometry, and speckle photography. Finally, the equipment will be used for senior level student research projects in fluid mechanics, dynamics, and design. Some specific projects will include visualization of separated flows, studies of crack propagation, and surface contouring and profilometry.