9320154 Shelley A color graphics workstation, with accessories and software, will be acquired to advance research projects, all involving large-scale multi-dimensional scientific computation, in computational fluid dynamics, physics, nonlinear optics, and biology. One research project will use computer visualization and animation to comprehend large-scale simulations of complex fluid flows, develop good numerical methods for such problems, and to disseminate these results to the scientific community. These problems include computation and modeling of topology transitions and singularity formation in fluid flows (vortex reconnection and bubble formation), and computation of multi-phase flows with surface tensions. Another research project will apply computer graphics to research on computer simulation of the heart. It will be used to construct and improve the heart model, to debug the code, to visualize the resulting computer experiments, to compare the simulational results with experimental observations, and to communicate the results to others. Comprehending the heart model involves simultaneous visualization of a deformable structure and the fluid it contains, all requiring the rapid manipulation of massive amounts of data. A third project will make numerical studies of magnetic structures in two-dimensional unsteady flow fields. At large magnetic Reynolds numbers, small-scale structures associated with fast dynamo action in stretching flows will be identified, and comparisons made with theoretical dynamo models. Color-coding of field strength and studying the field evolution using videotaped se quences at about 60 frames/cycle, should allow direct determination of the mechanism of field amplification. Finally, research will be done on computational investigations addressing current issues of spatial complexity in 3-d nonlinear optical systems. One computational study is of mathematical models for the nonlinear evolution of self-focused laser beams in systems which do not display transverse collapse. In some cases, the beam profiles develop multiple filaments, corroborating experimental observations of these finely-interwoven optical structures will be considerably enhanced by fully three-dimensional computer visualizations. *** ECEXE @ j i SSMARQUESCR @ j B SSMYST SCR @ j L SSSTARS SCR @ j D TADA WAV @ j & l TARTAN BMP @ j 4 v TERMINALEXE @ j E B TERMINALHLP @ j 9320154 Shelley A color graphics workstation, with accessories and software, will be acquired to advance research projects, | ^ ` o q ^ w | $ $ $ G | | Times Symbol " Helvetica Chicago Times New Roman & Arial 5 Courier New R ZapfDingbats Palatino Greek GenMath MathMeteor MT Extra " e e 4 Shelley/NYU Mark Purvis Mark Purvis