CDA-9529499 Bajaj, Chandrajit L. Sacks, Elisha Hillberry, Ben M. Purdue University Repetitive Contact Modeling, Analysis and Visualization The 3D motion and position measurement system coupled to a high performance graphics workstation is used to model, analyze and visualize the effects of repetitive contact on human joints. It is part of a high performance computational environment for research on human joints and problems caused by repetitive strain. The motion and position measuring system measures and tracks the movement of light emitting diodes mounted on a body with an RMS accuracy of 0.1 mm and a resolution of 0.01 mm. This system enables the measurement of the kinematics of knees and for determining the kinematics in the hand during typing and piano playing activities. The system also has a probe with light emitting diodes that enable the establishment of landmarks and coordinate reference points on bones as well as mapping surface geometries of the joint surfaces. The high performance graphics permit real-time, interactive visualization and querying of geometric models and stress/strain analyses. The potential payoffs of the research are in clinical diagnostics, surgical techniques and preparation, prosthesis design.