CDA-9529530 Cohen, Elaine Drake, Samuel H. Henderson, Thomas C. Riesenfeld, Richard F. University of Utah Layered Manufacturing Machine in Support of Rapid Prototyping and Unmanned Manufacturing A rapid prototyping machine, Helisys, supports research in computer and information science and engineering, particularly in following projects: (1) Science and Technology Center for Computer Graphics and Scientific Visualization, (2) Concurrent Integrated Design and Manufacturing, (3) Rapid Virtual Prototyping of Mechanical Assemblies, and (4) Sensing Strategies for Advanced Manufacturing. The machine is a Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) System which is used to generate visualization models, to help in verification of reconstructed models, and to support a variety of casting operations and other secondary manufacturing operations including vacuum forming and silicon rubber molding. The LOM process in the Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory is used primarily for research in manufacturing and to produce prototype parts for other research programs. The process is also used to offer a variety of experimental manufacturing services over the network. The educational use of rapid prototyping provides strong visualization feedback in solid modeling and shape understanding for undergraduate and graduate level courses as well as for high school students selected from the state of Utah under a National Science Foundation Young Scholars Program.