Wesley, Leonard P. Duda, Richard O San Jose State University
Agent-Based Research and Applications
This research instrumentation enables research projects in:
- Development Environment for Intelligent Agents, - Binaural Localization and Interpretation of Sound Sources, - Component Embeddable and Distributed Agents for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), and - Agent-Based Multi-Media Distance Learning for CIM.
This award supports on-going research in the Department(s) of Computer, Information and Systems Engineering (CISE) and Electrical Engineering (EE) at San Jose State University and contributes to the purchase of an E450 server tower, two Pentium II, and a Fiber channel disk. The objectives of the proposed four R&D projects include; (1) extending real-time object-oriented agent development system (ROADS) to allow users to specify their particular agent language using Abadi and Cardelli's object-oriented language model, (2) building ROADS agents for multi-sensor integration of sonar-localization, laser range-finding, and image data for mobile robot navigation and planning using the belief function and fuzzy logic calculi, (3) real-time binaural localization of multiple sources by clustering the spatial location of estimates from cepstral analyses and interaural time differences in multiple frequency bands, (4) building scalable multimedia servers and distance learning agents by applying system and content information in load balancing, data striping, and data recovery, (5) building agents that can control manufacturing processes and adapt to decentralized, evolving, and concurrent environments by representing diverse CIM knowledge and exploiting the ability to readily re-deploy ROADS agents.