The University of South Dakota will undertake a series of planning activities designed to address the competitive research challenges facing South Dakota. The principal outcome of this effort will be a plan to: 1) strengthen collaborations among the state's three participating doctoral-granting institutions; 2) develop interactions with the private sector; 3) continue the transition of the state's NSF EPSCoR program to one that is outcome-based; and 4) increase outreach to the state's underrepresented groups, particularly Native Americans.
The broader impacts of this planning grant include a stronger research and education enterprise for citizens in the state. Developing mutually beneficial partnerships among the universities and the private sector will not only enhance research opportunities in the state, they will contribute to the long-term sustainability of infrastructure investments. In addition, increased commercialization of research will offer a vehicle for economic development. Tribal Colleges will participate in the planning activities in order to develop programs to increase the preparation and participation of Native American students in science, math and engineering careers.