Title: Montana EPSCoR Program: Phase II Abstract Narrative: This Montana EPSCoR two-year continuation award is to bring the State of Montana up to active status with the thirteen current EPSCoR States so that all seventeen States will compete on an equal basis for Advanced Development Grants in 1991-92. The Montana proposal embraces five research components: 1) Determining and Mimicking Active Sites of Protein-Protein Interactions in Biological Control and Adhesion, 2) Complex Interactions in Large Oligothropic Lakes: Non-Native Species as Strong Interactors Controlling Spatial and Trophic Linkages, 3) Cellular and Developmental Neurobiology and Neural Mechanisms of Behavior, 4) Research in Gravitation and Astrophysics, and 5) Gas Phase Ion Processes at Very High Pressures. The total award is for $1,175,000 and presents a non-federal "match" of $1,208,000. The proposal was merit reviewed; site visited and recommended for funding subject to some modifications which were incorporated in the award submission. The proposal is recommended for funding.