9350027 Crowe The Arkansas Systemic Initiative Project has at its core a vision that seeks to eliminate barriers to student success in mathematics and science, raise achievement levels of all students in grades K-16 and improve public understanding that quality mathematics and science are crucial for economic development and personal fulfillment. Arkansas intends to restructure mathematics and science education by changing attitudes toward mathematics and science, improving student knowledge and skills and fostering long-term community involvement in the education system. This transformation will occur through the work of regional partnerships, each of which is a coalition of schools, colleges, businesses, parents, and other community leaders. To ensure that needed changes occur, the initiative will develop mathematics and science frameworks, implement large-scale teacher development through the Arkansas Math and Science Crusades, equip every classroom with appropriate materials and technology, bring scientists and mathematicians into classrooms, and place teachers in real-world research settings. Community education and leadership development will involve parents and local leaders in important education system roles. Changes in teacher preparation and certification will ensure that all students have access to quality instruction. The Applied Academics curriculum will restructure vocational education, and appropriate forms of technology will be employed throughout the Initiative. In addition, the State will be developing a new assessment system that will include performance assessment and student portfolios. This new assessment system will be used to monitor the success of the initiative.***