9353303 Jones This award to the Memphis City Schools is for a self-study of science and mathematics education in the city of Memphis. It is directed by a Strategic Planning Steering Committee that is broadly representative of the community, educators, business, and policy makers. The self-study will begin with an examination of goals for the city's science and mathematics programs leading to a statement of those goals and a plan for their attainment. The committee will be staffed by research, mathematics, and science specialists from the Memphis City Schools, with the Coordinator of Research Services as the staff person in charge of the self-study. Data collection will include a variety of coordinated procedures, observations, new data collection, and analysis of existing information among them. A broad range of participants will be involved in goal clarification, study design, measurement, analysis, and reporting thereby insuring ownership and "buy-in" by a broadly representative group of Memphians. The results will be broadly disseminated using the network of individuals and groups involved in the study itself. The committee will continue to review the status of mathematics and science education periodically and will issue reports on the state of mathematics and science education in the City of Memphis. The cost-sharing for the project will be 19 percent of the NSF portion. ***