PMSA-9353644 Brownsville Independent School District Zendejas, Esperanza, Perez, Sylvia and Ramirez, Rey Brownsville, TX "Brownsville Engineering Alliance for Minorities Project" The PMSA Project Beam is proposed as a means of impacting and addressing the need for career access ooportunities in mathamtics, sncience, nad technology in the Brownsville metropolitan area of South Texas. it is a 5 year (1993-1998) intervention model for preparing life-long better schools for elementary/secondary hispanic students, particularly those with a preponderance of culturally or socio-economically diverse student from tradionally disadvantaged populations. The goals are : (1) to systematically and comprehensively inrease the number of precollege minority students (current enrollment-37,974) in the Brownsville Independent School Dirstrct in the science, engineering, and mathematics pipeline, (2) o influence the quality of mathamtics and science education from K-12, (3) to seek innovative science, mathematics, and tachology appraches to strengthen student achievement and teacher functioning, and (4) to helop improve the quality of education through SEM career preparation and access. The project staff include school district area adminstrators, coordinators, curriculum specialists, taching and counseling personnel, and gaculty from the University odf Texas at Brwonsville and Texas Soutmost College. The BISD Board of Trustees on 2/2/93 approved the distrct's commitment and in-kind financial support to the project. Dr. Esperanza Zendejas, Superintendent and Principal Investigator, Ms. Sylvia Perez, Area Administrator, Co-Principal Investigator, and Mr. Rey Ramirez, Curriculum coordinator and Co- Principal Investigator will guide and direct the Phase 1 throug Phase V, 1993-98, implrmentation of the project. All three representatives have an active role in policy and budgetary decisions, the implementation monitoring, and evaluation of project activities, and the assessment of sutdent achievement and performance. The PMSA Project Beam five year (93,94,95,96,97,98) cumulative request for NSF Funding is $3,816,205. The BISD Board of Tustees has made a funding commitment to support the project activites as NSF funding ceases.