93-53654 Mahurin Program to Increase University-Industry Interaction and Technology Transfer "What we envision is transference of our University System's valuable intellectual property into the commercial market place thereby adding economic value to Montana." Montana Science and Technology Action Agenda. The purpose of this project is to team university faculty and students with industry researchers who will work closely together on a research project with real technology transfer possibilities. The industries will provide substantial matching funds for the projects. In 1990 the Governor of Montana ordered that the State develop a Science and Technology Policy and Plan for Montana. Following the completion of this Plan, over 200 citizens from diverse backgrounds, occupations and regions of the State were mobilized to create the Montana Science and Technology Action Agenda. This Agenda outlines mechanisms by which Montana can fully capitalize on its present resources, develop its infrastructure in science and technology and be prepared to move competitively into the 21st century. The Action Plan cites technology transfer as critical to the growth and health of Montana companies. The University System possesses a wealth of new ideas, products and technologies which can spin-off new businesses and be instrumental in the growth of existing businesses. It is recognized that in building science and engineering infrastructure the private sector must grow and build concurrent with the universities so that the two will nurture each other. The state-wide EPSCoR Committee has chosen four research projects which join the resources and efforts of the university and the private sector. These are priorities of the Science Action Agenda and of EPSCoR in that they involve industries which are critical to the technological future of the State in research cluster areas of the NSF EPSCoR Program. Two of the projects fit into the cluster area of Biotechnology. The other two projects fit with the Advanced Materials Center. These efforts will be coordinated with the NSF EPSCoR Systemic Improvement Initiative.