9453022 Parrish The Cleveland USI seeks to reform the District's K-12 mathematics and science education program so that its students achieve at the same levels as students in the highest achieving districts in the State. To accomplish this, the USI aims to: (1) develop a climate of supportamong teachers, students and administrators at all schools; (2) increase student motivation for success by giving students more responsibility for their education, infusing multiculturalism into the curriculum, and developing increased awareness of connections between science, mathematics and technology (SMT) curriculum and careers; (3) strengthen school-site leadership through teacher leaders and School Improvement Plans; (4) implement a national, standards-based, student-centered SMT curriculum; (5) provide an extensive student support system; (6) provide professional development for all teachers and administrators led by the district's Center for School Improvement and Professional Development in partnership with extant NSF-funded programs; and (7) develop collaborations with parents and community partners to support the SMT curriculum and involve them in the delivery of professional development and student support.