HRD-9552987 Hawkins, William The Mathematical Association of America, through its Strengthening Underrepresented Minority Mathematics Achievement (SUMMA) Program, will develop a second phase of its national SUMMA Consortium (SUMMAC) of mathematics-based pre-college intervention projects in order to strengthen the known projects directed by mathematicians which reach more than 15,000 minority students each year. This three-year project will increase these 157 projects by at least 75 by 1998. This network of mathematicians (collegiate faculty, school teachers, and others) who conduct projects which focus on minority students will engage in activities which include workshops, conferences, publications, visits to each others' projects, technical assistance, sharing curricula and mentoring. The mechanisms used to develop SUMMAC are intricately connected to the structure of the 30,000-member MAA: regional workshops; minority graduate students from MAA student chapters as counselors; presentations at the Joint Mathematics Meetings. Utilizing the leadership that developed in SUMMAC during the first phase (1992-1995), regional coordinators who SUMMA grantees will lead the workshops in their area of the country and make site visits to new projects after receiving training from the SUMMA staff. The publications that were begun during the first phase will continue: the Project Director's Handbook; an annual Directory of Mathematics-based Intervention Projects; and a quarterly SUMMAC Forum newsletter. Two invitational conferences will be held each year: one is for both experienced and novice directors. The second, supported through cost-sharing, will help novice directors design projects and learn proposal writing techniques. ***