The Division of Educational System Reform (ESR) has supported the California systemic Initiatives Assessment Collaborative (CSIAC) since November, 1996. The purpose of CSIAC is to help ESR-funded initiatives and other entities have access to and use high-quality, standards-based assessments in science. The project has assembled an advisory panel that has helped in developing performance tasks, open-ended items and enhanced multiple choice items in aligning complete instruments that are aligned with the AAAS Benchmarks and the National Science Education Standards.
CSIAC has conducted two large-scale, multi-state administrations (grades 5, 8, 10) of the instrument, in the spring of 1997 and 1998. The test was available in English and Spanish versions.
The current proposal allows WestEd to respond to the extensive demand for 1998-1999 administration of the test, with the current complement of users and a significant number of other systems and organizations that have requested it. These users currently pay the direct cost for the test. WestEd uses NSF funds to pay for continued item development (so that tasks are not repeated); the advisory board function; data analysis, consultants, and travel.