RFP No. EHR 98-027: "Technical Support to the Awardees of the National Science Foundation's Comprehensive Partnerships for Mathematics and Science Achievement, Rural Systemic Initiatives, Statewide Systemic Initiatives, and Urban Systemic Initiatives programs."
The RFP asks that the Bidder for this sole source request to The McKenzie Group (TMG) develop a work plan and budget for the provision of technical support and communication services to the EHR Systemic Initiatives (SI) programs including the Comprehensive Partnerships for Mathematics and Science Achievement (CPMSA), Rural Systemic Initiatives (RSI), Statewide Systemic Initiatives (SSI), and the Urban Systemic Initiatives (USI). These services include the following: (1) support for implementation of K-12 science and mathematics curriculum standards, for integration of the use of educational technology into the delivery of mathematics and science, for development of a high quality instructional workforce, and for implementation of a standards-based student assessment system in the USI/CPMSA sites; (2) help in developing community understanding of and resources for systemic reform in all of the SI programs; (3) support for the development of a plan to provide high quality science and mathematics instruction in all RSI sites; and, (4) building linkages between present SSIs and alumni SSIs and other states. The RFP also requires TMG to develop a plan to use electronic media to increase the ability of all SI award sites to share best practices and solve problems they have in common.