The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) will evaluate the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) and its activities---focusing on the IAI's institutional and programmatic development and impacts. The review will be done in the specific context of the Objectives of the IAI, provided in Article II of the IAI Agreement, and the overall context of a AAAS analysis of institutional models designed to link research with goals for sustainability and improve decisionmaking of communities. The review will cover both institutional and programmatic development, including such areas as the evolution of the IAI and its science agenda, networking and cooperation among research activities, linkages with regional needs and global programs, building scientific capacities and infrastructure, methods for supporting research and improving productivity, communication of results, and mechanisms for linking research to pressing societal needs and decision-making in the region. The review will be conducted over a 12-month period and provide a retrospective assessment of the Institute as well as guidance for the future.
The AAAS is conducting the evaluation in two phases: (1) data gathering and research by a Synthesis Team of AAAS staff and consultants, and (2) review and assessment by a high level international Assessment Committee. The AAAS administers the work of the Assessment Committee, and through its Synthesis Team, conducts interviews, reviews relevant documentation, prepares summaries of its work, arranges meetings, and assists the Assessment Committee in preparing its report.
The evaluation will have specific impact on the future of the IAI and broad impact on the ways in which global change research programs and the scientific communities organize themselves to respond to societal needs and challenges of environment and development. The report will be widely disseminated to attract interest in IAI's programs and to support NSF's interests in advancing science for understanding human-nature interactions that can help societies to pursue goals for development while sustaining the ecosystems on which successful long-term development depends.