"Earth Explorers" is a two-year program designed to recruit underrepresented minority groups into the geology program at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga. "Earth Explorers" conducts activities designed to: 1) increase awareness of geoscience among the general public; 2) recruit underrepresented minorities into the geology program of the Department of Physics, Geology and Astronomy at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga; and 3) engage and train students to develop and implement a water quality monitoring program for streams in the Chattanooga area. Awareness building activities include an "Earth Explorations" newspaper insert distributed to the general public and all local high schools. This insert educates students and the general public about different aspects of the geosciences, career opportunities, salaries, and steps needed to explore a career in the geosciences. Recruitment activities targeting high school and university students include development of a collaborative program with the local Chattanooga school district for an after-school program at a minority high school. This project entails up to 13 activities, including field trips and speakers. University recruitment efforts include development and distribution of promotional materials and a departmental open house for prospective or undeclared minority students. Training activities for students include a water quality monitoring program conducted by the students that will involve sampling streams and waterways in the Chattanooga area and analyzing data using research techniques.