This award is being used to develop and pilot test a new Master of Science degree program designed to provide a mechanism for secondary level science teachers to qualify for subject area endorsement in Earth/space science and become "highly qualified" as required by the No Child Left Behind legislation. This new degree program, which will consist of a combination of on-line, classroom, and field experiences, will be developed primarily to serve practicing teachers in the State of Michigan who are: 1) currently teaching Earth/space science but are teaching out of field; or 2) currently teaching another science but are interested in teaching Earth/space science in the future, or 3) interested in working toward an advanced degree to qualify for enhanced professional opportunities. The degree program and the courses that make up the program are being developed using a "backward design" process that will result in alignment of the program with the State Standards for Teacher Preparation and the State Content Standards and Benchmarks for student learning. Two new on-line geology/Earth science core courses and one field- and classroom-based course on human impacts are being developed as part of this curriculum and integrated with existing field-based and classroom-based geology courses and existing on-line science education courses to create the new M. S. degree. Over the two-year pilot period, 6 teachers will participate in the program. Their tuition is being sponsored through this award, as they will be providing critical feedback on the new degree program and courses as they are developed and implemented. Eventually, the project will become self-sustaining through tuition fees. It is expected that this degree program will serve as a national model for preparing highly qualified Earth science teachers. Evaluation of the project will determine the program's potential for increasing the size and effectiveness of the highly qualified teacher workforce in Michigan and its potential for transferability to other states.