The Satellites, Weather and Climate (SWAC) project at the University of Vermont (UVM) is an inquiry- and project/problem-based learning environment to enhance the atmospheric/land surface content knowledge and geospatial skills of in-service K-12 science teachers and by so doing, stimulate their students' interest in STEM disciplines and careers. A new statewide Regional Geoscience Education Network and Alliance (ReGENA) has been created with the Vermont Department of Education, two institutions in northeastern Vermont (Lyndon State College, a baccalaureate institution, and Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium) and the Medgar Evers College, a Historically Black institution in Brooklyn, NY to reach more teachers, especially in isolated and rural parts of Vermont. Teachers will continue to participate in academic year monthly sessions to develop and deepen their content knowledge and geospatial skills in climatology, meteorology, electrical engineering, statistical analyses, geostatistics, remote sensing and GIS (Geographic information systems). Differentiated instruction is used to maximize the learning experience of each of the four cohorts of teachers during both the academic year and summer workshops. SWAC is a transformative, integrated science program that equips and empowers in-service geoscience, physical science and social science teachers to use SWAC core concepts as the underlying framework for their curriculum and enhance their systems thinking and habits of the mind. Rural, Abenaki First Nation and students with behavioral challenges are among the under-represented beneficiaries. SWAC results are disseminated by lesson plan distribution, digital media development, at scholarly conferences and in academic peer-reviewed outlets. Participating teachers also present their findings at local, state-sponsored workshops, regional and national conferences, including the National Science Teachers Association meeting.