To address the lack of rigorous geoscience classes in high schools and geoscience career awareness among students, California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) has been supporting dual-credit physical geology classes at two schools in the Kern High School District (KHSD) for many years. Students completing the classes receive transferable university credit. With this award, CSUB is enhancing existing dual-credit KHSD physical geology classes through augmentation of school geoscience teaching materials, field experiences, guest speakers from professional geoscientists, and stipends and scholarships aimed specifically at recruiting students into CSUB and area community college geology programs. CSUB is also implementing a rigorous assessment program that will collect evidence on the effectiveness of the dual-credit classes in improving the pipeline from high schools to college geoscience programs, particularly with regard to the participation of Hispanic students. Funds are also being used to help propagate the model program through creation of similar classes at other schools in the region. The overarching goal of this project is to document the effectiveness of dual-credit classes in recruiting students into geoscience majors and identify the most effective elements and strategies of these classes, with a focus on minority students. The findings will be used to guide others interested in developing similar classes and strengthen the case to school districts, principals, and university faculty and administrators for offering them.