This proposal is to design and implement a science measurement described as part of research element 1 "Satellite Assessment of Land Use/Land Cover." This element is part of the Vice-Presidential initative, the GLOBE Program (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environement), a program that engages K-12 students around the globe in taking scientific measurements and data that is authentic research data used by scientists. This project is to use satellite images to provide information on land cover/land use patterns in communities of the participating students and teachers. Students are given data consisting of miltispectural images, and using the distinctive spectral signatures which classify forests, crops and other covers, they will map the vegetative cover of their monitoring sites. Studnets will create thematic maps with their sateliite images and make ground-truthing expeditions to verify the land cover interpretations initially made in the classroom. Studnets learn to treat these images as data and experimental protocols are designed by scientists to incorporate measurements makde by these studients. Supporitng science curriculum materials are to be designed by a tem of scientist, science educators, and K-12 teachers and students. Development of a model curriculum on the use of satellite data sets and development of a common base for understanding and implementing technologies required for use of satellite imagery in GLOBE classrooms are seen as outcomes of this project.