The University of Michigan, Western Michigan University, Michigan State University and Wayne State University propose to establish the Michigan-Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (MI-LSAMP) in order to significantly increase the quantity and improve the quality of students earning science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) baccalaureate degrees from our institutions, and increase the number of under-represented minority (URM) students interested in, academically qualified for and matriculated into graduate study programs. The MI-LSAMP partners are recognized as isflagshipld institutions in the State of Michigan and represent the diversity of public Doctoral Research Extensive institutions in the nation. While the UM, MSU, WSU and WMU have demonstrated a deep commitment to increasing the diversity and excellence of their student bodies and have had long-standing collaborations with one another, they realize that the greatest gains will be achieved by formally allying. The mission of the MI-LSAMP not only supports the National Science Foundations strategic goal to help create ira diverse, competitive and globally-engaged U.S. workforce of scientists, engineers, technologists, and well-prepared citizens,lr it supports goals set forth by the Michigans Cherry Commission on Higher Education and Economic Growth.ln The overall goals for the MI-LSAMP are to: 1. Significantly increase the number of URM students earning baccalaureate degrees from MI-LSAMP partners. An aggressive but balanced plan has been devised to increase the number of URM students earning baccalaureate degrees in STEM fields by 50% in 5 years, and 100% in 10 years. Programmatic activities focus on increasing the recruitment of new and transfer URM students, and increasing their graduation rates as a consequence of participation in Science, Engineering and Math Pre-First Year programs, research projects sponsored by the Michigan Undergraduate Research Consortium, internships and co-ops, and residential learning programs. 2. Institutionalize MI-LSAMP strategies and practices. Programmatic activities will be evaluated and the most effective and efficient of these will be institutionalized in an effort to sustain, beyond the NSF funding period, growth in the number of URM students earning STEM degrees. In addition, MI-LSAMP offices, drop-in centers and learning centers will become permanent fixtures on each of the alliance campuses. 3. Contribute to a significant increase in the number of under-represented minority students earning baccalaureate degrees in the State of Michigan and nationally. Successful completion of project will result in nearly a 50% increase in the number of URM students earning baccalaureate degrees in STEM fields within the State of Michigan. iiBest practicesla of the MI-LSAMP will be attractive for adoption and could significantly improve national efforts to increase production in the STEM fields. 4. Increase the number of students pursuing advanced degrees in STEM fields. The MI- LSAMP will collaborate with the Michigan AGEP Alliance (MAA), a recently established partnership of the same institutions, to ensure that students earning baccalaureate degrees are prepared for, and aware of opportunities to pursue advanced studies in STEM fields. The intellectual merit and broader impact of this project goes beyond increasing the number of URM students graduating in STEM fields and dissemination of effective and efficient MI-LSAMP programs. The MI-LSAMP will expand outreach to the pre-college community, increase the persistence of STEM majors, increase faculty involvement in mentoring URM students, promote collaboration among faculty at Michigan institutions of higher education, and increase the diversity of our communities and workforce.