Sheldon Jackson College (SJC) proposes to increase the number of Alaska Native students matriculating in and completing its STEM programs by (1) adjusting its STEM offerings to more effectively meet the employment needs of the Alaskan economy , particularly the needs of resource-rich Alaska Native owned corporations, (2) preparing Native students for success in STEM programs through a summer academic enrichment program and ongoing academic support once students enroll in college, and (3) developing and implementing faculty development to enhance effectiveness in teaching Alaska Native students at Sheldon Jackson College with an emphasis on STEM faculty. Curriculum. GOAL: To strengthen the four degree programs requiring extensive STEM preparation : Ecology; Fishery Biology & Culture; Marine Biology; and Secondary Education - Science by providing graduates with emergent job-ready knowledge. While the panel found these degree emphases generally responsive to employment needs within the Alaskan economy, they identified the following gaps to be addressed as objectives under this goal: OBJECTIVES: 1) Establish and provide instructional capacity in the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS); 2) provision of a stronger theoretical orientation in ecology, fisheries and marine biology coursework; 3) establish and offer a course that comprehensively surveys the enormously diverse Alaskan environment, its natural resources, and its resource management needs. Student needs. GOAL: To strengthen Native student success in STEM coursework that leads to degrees in sciences and mathematics. Data compiled by the Alaska Department of Education and Alaskan school districts reflect that Native high school students achieve far below average in comparison to other Alaskan students, especially in math. SJC's experience indicates that first-semester developmental coursework is insufficient to effectively prepare students for college level courses. Earlier intervention is required, and can be informed by data identified and quantified through High School Graduation Qualifying Exam and the No Child Left Behind Act testing provisions. OBJECTIVES: 1) Establish and provide a summer academic enrichment program in math and science for Native high school students in partnership with school districts. 2) Provide campus-based academic support services wrapped around math and science course work. Faculty development. GOAL: To strengthen the effectiveness of SJC faculty in teaching and mentoring Native students in their STEM courses. Available literature indicates that intercultural classroom communications is complex and frequently counterintuitive, and yet, preparation for teaching in culturally diverse classrooms is seldom a requirement for college faculty. OBJECTIVE: 1) To establish and provide pre-academic-year cross-cultural education faculty workshops, and participation in ongoing workshops as opportunities arise. This will include 2) participation in school year-end assessment and refinement of the College's strategies in supporting Alaska Native student success, particularly in the sciences and math.