Paine College will implement a eighteen month planning grant called "Increasing and Strengthening the Next Generation of Leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics" which addresses the goal of the HBCU-UP Program: to increase the number of underrepresented minorities enrolling in and graduating from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines and entering graduate school or STEM careers. The planning grant has three goals; Goal 1 - To enhance the professional research technology and teaching capabilities of STEM faculty, Goal 2 - To evaluate and restructure STEM curriculum in order to strengthen curriculum in mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics, and Goal 3 - To increase recruitment and retention of students in STEM disciplines and facilitate student preparation to enter the STEM workforce.
Intellectual Merit The proposed planning grant will afford Paine College the opportunity to collect both quantitative and qualitative baseline data in an effort to better understand the problem(s) associated with recruiting and retaining students in the STEM disciplines; thereby, developing actions plans for implementation and resource allocation to correct the identified problem(s).
Broader Impact The overall goal of the planning grant is to enhance the STEM infrastructure at Paine College for students and faculty; thereby, improving and increasing recruitment, retention, and graduation rates of underrepresented minorities in STEM disciplines. Accomplishing this goal will have a tremendous societal impact due to the increased number of qualified URM entering the National workforce.