The goal of this project is to empower a strong core of administrators and female science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) faculty to initiate and maintain institutional climate change, and improve the recruitment and success of female faculty. The Program provides a unique setting in which to test an important model of faculty administrator partnership for implementing change at a primarily undergraduate institution and within the West Virginia (WV) higher education system. The Program will impact STEM faculty in four Marshall University Colleges through an integrated approach comprised of 1) The Recruitment and Networking Initiative to apply aggressive strategies to increase the number of female STEM faculty; 2) The Faculty Development Initiative to provide multiple methods to help new faculty balance and integrate teaching and research responsibilities, and to foster collaboration among STEM faculty; 3) The Research Enhancement Initiative to improve faculty research capabilities, and provide resources that enable departments to better attract and retain talented female faculty; and 4) The State and Institutional Policy Changes Initiative specifically focused on changing university and state policies identified to be significant barriers to the advancement of female STEM faculty at Marshall.