The Center for Advanced Materials at Tuskegee University (T-CAM) contributes to the basic and applied research in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE). It includes a Ph.D. program in MSE and supports research and education of a large number of minority undergraduate and graduate students. T-CAM faculty have developed state-of-the-art facilities to conduct research in many aspects of advanced materials and acquired expertise in chemical synthesis and analysis, processing/manufacturing, performance evaluation, and modeling of advanced materials and structures. However, several areas of research still need significant enhancement for Tuskegee University to become competitive among institutions that conduct cutting-edge research in MSE. The areas that have been identified for enhancement and development with funding through the RISE program include: 1) in-house manufacture of carbon nanotubes, 2) manufacture and characterization of advanced fibers reinforced with carbon nanotubes and other nano fillers, 3) research in advanced electronic materials, 4) videoconferencing capability, and 5) development of junior African-American faculty members to enable them to join the research and education programs in MSE.