Jarvis Christian College, a small, four year, liberal arts, Historically Black College in Hawkins, Texas, is funded for a five year project that is expected to significantly improve the quality of mathematics, biology and chemistry education at the institution. The project, Science, Mathematics and Research Training (SMaRT), will impact all students majoring in STEM areas at Jarvis through a series of curriculum development, student development and faculty development activities.
The proposed program will: 1. develop and incorporate a structured 2-year, undergraduate research component into the degree requirements for all STEM students; 2. improve STEM classrooms and laboratories, including developing an outdoor classroom which includes a nature trail; 3. revise and enrich courses and degree requirements for all STEM majors and minors
The structured undergraduate research component will include undergraduate research credits that will be applied toward the students' requirement for the major, and will occur in the final four semesters. In semester 1, students will receive training in pre-research topics, including library and other resources, preparation of research protocols, and research topic selection. In the second through fourth semester, students will conduct the research, and prepare oral and written reports on the topic. In addition to the research integration for all students, those students that are directly supported by the program will each have an undergraduate teaching experience, working with faculty supervision.
STEM classroom and laboratory improvements will include curriculum development in mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics. As an integral part of the curriculum development, faculty will incorporate a Nature Trail and an Outdoor Classroom that are concurrently being developed on the Jarvis property. The trail will support undergraduate research and curriculum and laboratory in Environmental and Analytical Chemistry, Microbiology, General Biology and Ecology. Other classes and laboratories will incorporate computational applications.
As a result of the five year project, Jarvis Christian College expects to increase the number of STEM majors enrolled and graduating from the institution, and better prepare their STEM graduates for post-baccalaureate careers in graduate school or the STEM work force.
This grant provided financial support primarily for under-represented students in the STEM for juniors and seniors majoring in biology, chemistry, and/or math. Students were required to carry out independent research (Including oral, poster, and written reports of their results) and serve as mentors. In order to expose students to STEM early, two NSF Summer Field Schools were conducted in Summer 2013 and Summer 2014. In summer 2013 101 students participated from high school, junior college and college; in 2014 58 students participated. Students were exposed to basic research processes in simple field based situations. Students were divided between disciplines represented by the summer faculty and participated in and conducted simple, discrete, survey based research project and presented their findings in a poster presentation at the end of the experience. Because of the summer field school and reserach conducted during the academc year, students have been exposed to STEM components and have the experience of conducting research, gathering data, and presenting their findings. As a result of this grant students who participated in STEM research both college, junior college and high school, were granted early exposure to research in the STEM field during the life ot this grant. This hand on exposure allowed for understanding of research in STEM and pique interest in STEM areas.