The University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez (UPRM) seeks to integrate education and research by establishing a Nanotechnology Center for Biomedical and Energy-Driven Systems and Applications (NCBEDSA). The overall Center strategy will secure national competitiveness of UPRM in the area of materials engineering research and nanotechnology. The Center?s mission is to integrate ongoing research and education efforts in engineered nanostructured materials focused on two strategic areas for the institution and the island: biomedical and energy-driven systems. Within this framework, the NCBEDSA faculty will broaden and strengthen graduate and undergraduate education throughout the institution by supporting existing and upcoming pertinent graduate programs and developing new ones. This will form a cadre of lifelong-learning materials professionals with a robust interdisciplinary training. To achieve the aforementioned goals the Center will be organized into four interdisciplinary research groups (IGRs) and one interdisciplinary educational group (IEG). The Center?s transformative research focuses on fundamental and applied aspects of nanomaterials encompassing: IGR1) multifunctional nanoparticles for magnetically actuated siRNA delivery; IGR2) quantum dot systems for cancer therapy; IGR3) nanoporous materials for separations and catalysis; and IGR4) nanoengineered composite materials for energy efficient devices and applications. The Center?s research will impact society by developing novel nanomaterials to be used in improved therapies and diagnostics, cleaner and more efficient energy alternatives. In addition, the Center?s proposed activities will foster the in-corporation of Hispanics in the workforce pipeline leading to advanced degrees in engineering areas related to Nanotechnology.