The "AccessSTEM: The Northwest Alliance for Students with Disabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics - Phase II (AccessSTEM2)" project will increase the associate, baccalaureate, and graduate science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) degree attainment of individuals with disabilities in the Seattle, WA region. The primary institution, the University of Washington (UW), is partnering with Bellevue Community College (BCC), Seattle Central Community College (SCCC), and all high schools within the Seattle Public Schools system to accomplish this goal.
The AccessSTEM-Phase 2 Alliance will increase the associate, baccalaureate and graduate STEM degree attainment of students with disabilities by attending to the following four objectives:
1. Implement changes within awardee and partner postsecondary institutions (UW, BCC, SCCC) to make STEM programs more welcoming and accessible to students with disabilities (e.g., more accessible websites and science labs, STEM publications that encourage the participation of students with disabilities);
2. Create and expand engagement of stakeholders (precollege STEM educators, disability services, veteran associations, projects that broaden participation in STEM, and industry and career services) in fostering STEM education and careers that are welcoming and accessible to people with disabilities;
3. Implement evidence-based practices (e.g., mentoring, peer support, internships) to increase numbers of individuals with disabilities moving through critical junctures to STEM associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degrees and careers; and
4. Support and expand an online resource center that shares research and promising practices worldwide.