The Natural Science Division of Hinds Community College District is planning to develop and implement an initiative to increase the number of students who complete B.S. degrees. The anticipated strategy is to strengthen bridges that support students? articulation from high school to community college and from community college to degree-granting institutions in pursuit of a B.S. degree in STEM. This effort builds on an early unfunded needs assessment including a SACS self-study. HCC is working to identify specific components that need improvement in order to provide a high quality undergraduate STEM education to support students? articulation from HCC to degree-granting institutions in pursuit of a B.S. degree in STEM. Planned activities include: data collection and analysis, consultation with area schools and businesses, and site visits to model programs.
Hinds Community College (HCC), Utica Campus, is a small Historically Black Community College located in Hinds County, Mississippi. The HCC district has more than 10,700 credit students and is more than 50 percent minority. A strong STEM program and curriculum/professional development model can affect underrepresented minority students district-wide and serve as a model for the rest of the state.