This research involves studying the environment and nature of the high luminosity galaxies discovered by the IRAS satellite. One possible cause for the large amounts of energy emitted may be that the galaxy has undergone an interaction or a merger with another galaxy. If this is correct one would expect to find that these active galaxies occur preferentially in galaxy clusters where the space density of galaxies is larger and the probability of collision higher. The surrounding environment of the galaxies will be studied using the Palomar survey plates and CCD images acquired with the Mt. Lemmon telescope. The CCD images themselves will provide a resource for study of the type of activity present, which may be due to a huge excess of star formation, or to an active nuclear region, or possibly to both. This project furthers VPW program objectives which are (1) to provide opportunities for women to advance their careers in engineering and in the disciplines of science supported by NSF and (2) to encourage women to pursue careers in science and engineering by providing greater visibility for women scientists and engineers employed in industry, government, and academic institutions. By encouraging the participation of women in science, it is a valuable investment in the Nation's future scientific vitality.