This project will investigate (i) the acoustic correlates of the segment, syllable, and mora in Icelandic, (ii) the mora timing hypothesis and the segment timing hypothesis, via the contrasting stress, syllable and rhythm systems in Icelandic, English and Spanish, and (iii) the effects on timing due to within word position and position with higher syntactic and prosodic structures. The goal is to explore the relationship between phonological and phonetic components of language and to determine the nature of the timing systems controlling different prosodic constituents. The interactive component includes research seminar and colloquia, participation in ongoing faculty workshop and lab meetings, and two courses. The two courses are a graduate research seminar on "Rhythm, Timing and Prosodic Structure" and an undergraduate lecture and lab course on "Linguistics, Law and Science." This project furthers VPW program objectives which are (1) to provide opportunities for women to advance their careers in engineering and in the disciplines of science supported by NSF and (2) to encourage women to pursue careers in science and engineering by providing greater visibility for women scientists and engineers employed in industry, government, and academic institutions. By encouraging the participation of women in science, it is a valuable investment in the Nation's future scientific vitality.