This award provides support to Dr. Dawn Iacobucci under the National Science Foundation's Faculty Awards for Women Scientists and Engineers Program. The objectives of this program are to recognize the nation's most outstanding and promising women scientists and engineers in academic careers in research and teaching, to retain them in academia, and to facilitate the further development of their careers. This award will allow the investigator to pursue her research spanning the areas of statistical modeling and the use of such models to social network applications in marketing. She will extend her modeling work by applying it to comparisons between pairs of people or between groups. For example, she plans to develop a means of identifying a firm's competitors in the marketplace using data and models of social network ties between organizations. She also plans to investigate the effects of differing amounts of information on the actions of an intermediary agent in a negotiation, such as a real estate agent assisting a home buyer and seller. She will also investigate the use of computer simulations and human laboratory experiments in conjunction to better understand two-person interaction processes.