The University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) requests $448,643 for a multifaceted program designed to enhance the preparation for, and the participation by Minority Students in Environmental science careers. The program will build upon: (a) a strong B.S. degree in Environmental Science with options in Marine Ecology and Pollution/Energy, (b) an innovative 5 year BS/MS degree program, with a B.S. degree in Environmental Science and the M.S. degree in Marine Science, (c) graduate programs in Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Science, and Toxicology at the M.S. and Ph.D. levels, (d) a strong Honors Program, (e) MISIP grant (U.S. Department of Education), (f) a MARC Program funded through NIH, and (g) a proposed NIH sponsored MBRS Program. Student interest in environmental sciences will be nurtured and developed by. - Providing opportunities for selected young minority scholars to enter into preceptorship relationships with environmental scientists. - Providing opportunities for selected young minority scholars to participate in research activities, seminars, national scientific meetings, and symposia, etc. - Enhancing test taking skills through GRE enrichment workshops. - Exposing students to intensive research environments at major research institutions in order to enrich the students' science training and broaden their exposure.