9355489 Bad Wound Oglala Lakota College has made the commitment to initiate a new institution-wide effort to significantly increase the number of American Indian students that earn bachelor's degrees in the natural sciences, computer sciences, engineering, and mathematics fields (SEM). This planning proposal is unique because: The application would benefit students of the only two-four-year accredited Tribally Controlled Colleges in the Nation, in addition to two-year Tribal Colleges. South Dakota National Science Foundation Statewide Systemic Initiative has committed comprehensive technical assistance to enhance the planning process. Resources provided by the SSI will significantly increase the likelihood that Oglala Lakota College will be able to develop a successful plan, and further to implement new SEM programs for American Indian students. Oglala Lakota College proposes to fully enhance telecommunication systems through collaborative effort in the implementation stage of this initiative in order to serve American Indians nationwide. South Dakota is a small state where collaboration among Institutions is extensive and permits maximizing of scare resources. Oglala Lakota College proposes a six month comprehensive planning process to develop four-year cooperative degrees. Cooperative degrees could than be offered through other institutions including two-year Tribal Colleges, in addition to Oglala Lakota Colleges' offering and thus significantly increase the number of students impacted.