9554494 Douglass This CMU project endeavors to institute a mechanism to encourage and support the participation of girls and women in science, engineering, and mathematics (SEM) through: raising the awareness of teachers and parents with regard to the factors affecting the success of girls in SEM; forming cross-age research teams of women and girls; and developing a mentoring system from elementary school through professional employment. Mentoring Through Cross-Age Research Teams impacts the eight extremely rural, economically disadvantaged counties in central Michigan. Five regional education service districts totaling 33 school districts, with participation from about 240 girls and teachers will be directly involved in the project. Research teams are to be formed of elementary, middle, and high school girls, college undergraduate and graduate women, parents, teachers, and professional scientists. The teams provide mentoring, encouragement, and academic support while working together on a common research project. This research endeavor is augmented by academic year and summer enrichment programs to highlight the issues surrounding the success of girls in SEM, introduce role models, and provide information on career opportunities. A spring "project fair" is to showcase the efforts of the research teams, as will presentations at state conferences. The development and distribution of an administrator's guide will facilitate replication of the project. Presentations are to be made at teacher in-service workshops and at the state Math/Science Center Director's meeting to encourage sponsorship by other centers and districts. This project expects to continue as a regular event coordinated by the Central Michigan Science/ Mathematics/Technology Center and the regional education service districts. ***