9554495 Karnawat Turtle Mountain Community College, on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation in North Dakota, is to conduct a four-week summer commuter project in mathematics for Native American high school girls. The primary objective of the MEGA program is to ensure that a cadre of promising young Native American women is prepared for, and matriculates into mathematics and mathematics-based disciplines, including engineering, at the college level. The girls in the program will be involved in the problem solving activities. The emphasis will be on applications, and much of the data for this study will be collected from field trips to cultural sites on the reservation. A field trip to the North Dakota State University will be offered at the end of the summer component of the program. The girls will be kept actively engaged during the academic year through their participation in Sunday academies. The MEGA project is designed to stimulate interest, increase participation, improve achievement, increase visibility, and accelerate career advancement and success in mathematics and related areas for young women on the Turtle Mountain Reservation, and to provide a model which might be replicated on other reservations. ***